Recent Trends In Recruitment
Recruitment is the process of hiring qualified candidate for the required vacant position in the organization. The basic steps involved in recruitment process understand the requirement, sourcing the right person, interviewing, and selecting the candidate.
Recent trends in recruitment are:
- Outsourcing: Outsourcing firms will provide talented candidates for the required position in the organizations. The outsourcing firms conduct the initial screening and send the talent pool of candidates to the organization for final selection. Outsourcing firms will acts like intermediaries between candidates and companies. But these firms charge the organization for their services. The main advantage of outsourcing is that the companies can save lot of time and resources.
- Poaching/Raiding: Poaching means buying talent. The companies will hire the talented and experienced person already working in the reputed organization. Most of the companies buy the talented persons from their competitor in the industry. The companies will offer more packages to attract the talented persons. Handling the poaching is the big challenge for the human resource managers. The disadvantage of poaching is that it weakens the competitive strength of the organization.
- E-recruitment: E-recruitment means using the Internet technology for hiring process. Internet is the external source of recruitment. The companies will advertise their vacant positions in the web and the job seekers apply through on-line. The advantage of e-recruitment is low cost and reduction in time for recruitment.
Suggested Reading:
General Procedure Of Recruiting A Candidate
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