
All About Dental Bone Grafting

Most of the time the dentists will have to increase the size of the jaw bone in the patients. The developments in bone grafting has made implant surgeries possible in cases which were not possible earlier. Increasing bone size for implants procedures can increase the cost of the treatment. In this article, we will discuss all about bone grafts.

Need for Dental Bone Grafting
Dental bone grafting is a surgical procedure to increase the size of the jaw bone. Bone grafting will be necessary

    • Where there is insufficient jaw bone for placing implants
    • The size of the jaw bone is very important for anchoring the implants and also ensure that it can withstand stress of chewing hard.
    • The success or failure depends on the jaw bone.
    • When the dentist is planning to carry out an extraction, thinking that bone grafting would help in filling gaps and preventing bone loss around it.
    • Many dental procedures like dental implant surgeries require sufficient and healthy jaw bone.


Types of dental bone grafting procedures
Sinus lift procedures
In the posterior part of upper jaw (maxilla) bone, the space for dental implants is often insufficient. For increasing the jaw bone in maxilla, a sinus lift procedure involves placing bone graft material in the maxillary sinus. In some cases, the sinus lift procedure and placing of implants can be carried out as a single procedure for the patients.

Autogeneous bone graft (ABG) procedure
ABG involves using bone from another part of patients mouth mostly from the back of the lower jaw. This harvested bone is fixed to the site and is left to heal for up to four months placement of implants. The implants will take more three months to integrate with the new jaw bone.

Aveolar ridge preservation
The jaw bone’s only purpose is to support teeth. As a result when a tooth is lost the jaw bone starts shrinking unless it is replaced with another tooth. In this case, ridge preservation graft procedure can be performed. Sometimes, it is possible to place dental implants at the time of tooth extraction but is difficult in most of the cases. It may be usually because of presence of dental infection or the size discrepancy between the tooth that is extracted or lost.