Social Media Influence on Car Buying Decision
In influencing a car buyer’s purchasing decision, the dealer plays a critical role with dealership’s website, test drive, and a look around the vehicle in the showroom, whatever the brand they are considering. According to the St Ives Group research, the social media interaction will plays a tiny part in winning buyers.
- Triggers: There are triggers that can influence consumers to purchase the car. The reasons are thus: 58% – desire for a new car, 46% – economic factors, 30% – change in situation, and seventeen percent – external factors. Males are more likely to buy without thinking further about future factors, while females are more likely to about for repair and other bills. Changes in circumstances are more likely to result in a car buying for younger consumers.
A simple desire for a new car and the repair bills are more likely to lead the buying decision for people those who are aged between 35 to 54. Only older females and younger males are the consumers concerned about economy while buying a car.
- Journey to the new car: On an average a buyer takes between two to eight weeks gap to work through the evaluation stage, which is regardless of type of car they buy. Value or low cost car buyers are do research before they come to the dealership, means they will visit the dealer to make the purchase. Mainstream car buyers are also similar to the low cost or value car buyers, these will make the purchase when visit the dealership but will take a few more steps. The premium buyers visit the dealership for hunting for a deal and seek validation for their choice.
According to content and social marketer at St Ives Group, the ultimate influencing role is of dealerships. Visiting dealerships’ website and the test driving are most important steps on the car buying journey influencing factors regardless of the customers are low cost or value or mainstream or premium. When users visit the dealership’s website the technical specifications are the most important. Throughout the purchasing process, social media plays a small role.
- Customer segmentation: The low cost or value car buyers make the decision with the price factor of how much they can spend. These will take a lot of time to make the decision and step by step. The average or mainstream car buyers are little different from the value car buyers. These will depend upon the word of mouth from their friends and other sources and use the internet for more details. More than 90% of mainstream buyers will take decision when they take test drive. The premium car buyers are different from the above two. These will check all the possible sources and visit the dealership in the buying journey.
Research shows that there is a small influence by the social media in the car buying process on all categories of consumers. It is a small part of source to take the decision to consumers.