
Google Regained Its Online Ad Market Share

Online marketing facilities encourage business by providing easy and secured business transactions. Worldwide promotional expenditures are increasing every year; similarly online ad expenditure also increasing.

ad server solutions Companies promoting online business are gaining revenues year by year. For 2011 Google was leading the promotional market. It is the only company that got maximum revenue through online business promotions. Yahoo took the next position but could not compete with Google online ad revenues.

Search engine spending has increased 20% for 2011 which was more than last year. ComScore revealed the search engine performance reports. It has given the promotional companies’ data for September 2011. Google is leading the market with 65.8% share which is more than last August (64.8%). Yahoo’s declined (-.8%), for September was 15.5% and August 16.3%. Microsoft, Ask network and AOL inc. have positively gained with small percentages in the market share.

ad serverOnline expenses are increasing every year, online spending for 2011 was 72,842 million dollars in that Google’s share is more than any other company. The number of users of search engines are continuing to rise especially in foreign countries. While, the engagement with the search is deepening with users doing more and more searches on the search engines to figure out answers to their questions.