Know the Various Types of Wedding Cakes
Wedding cakes have a great history. Wedding cakes are used traditionally at wedding ceremonies. Wedding cakes come with different flavors according to the seasons. Present day wedding cakes come in various designs and colors.
Some well usable wedding cakes are:
Butter cream wedding cake: Butter cream wedding cake has more demand in any season. Advanced techniques and tolls made these butter cream cakes as smooth as fondant. Butter cream cake tastes same or much better than the natural ingredients. The price is also very affordable than fondant.
Chocolate flavor cake: Chocolate cakes are also highly popular cakes. Once, most of the brides liked only the white decorated chocolate cakes, but now a days the tradition of white decorated chocolate cakes is being replaced with the dark color decorated chocolate flavor wedding cakes.
Square cakes: Most of the brides like the square shaped mini sized cakes. They come in attractive designs and flavors.
Blue and pink cakes: With blue color cake, your wedding becomes perfect canvass and the pink color cake is the perfect hot color for the wedding ceremony.
Choose the better designed and most traditional wedding cake for your memorable wedding day. Cakes comes in attractive designs and colors, hence choose the one that best suits your taste.