
Use of Sugar Substitutes for Diabetes Patients

Sugar substitutes are the chemicals or natural substances that sweeten the food, they are by many times sweeter than the sugar and also they provides less calories to the body when compared to sugar. They are also called as artificial sweeteners or non caloric sweeteners. Some sugar substitutes are less in calories and some have no calories. Food additives must be approved by the FDA, which publishes a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list of additives in USA.

The main purpose of the sugar substitutes is that they have less calories of energy when compared to natural sugar. They add sweetness to the food and these are very useful for the patients suffering from the diabetes. Sugar substitutes are generally found in most of the light, reduced calorie or sugar free foods and drinks available today. It is better to get the sugars which are present in foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.

National Cancer Institute, says that there is no proof that sugar substitutes cause cancer and these sweeteners are safe when used in moderate levels and the people who have phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot use the sugar substitute called aspartame because they are unable to metabolize it. Diet of a normal person should include the optimum levels of sugar substitute and it is better to get these nutrients from naturally available foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.

Aspertame, acesulfame K, saccharin, sucralose, stevia, sugar alcohols etc. are the sugar substitutes available in the United States.