
Toyota Plans for Future Eco-Car Launch Schedule

The Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) has revealed the launch of eco-car in future. The aim of the company is to introduce numerous alternative energy vehicles, that include one plug-in gas electric and 11 conventional hybrids. It said that the company would introduce a battery-powered auto by 2012 and a fuel cell sedan three years later. The five year green plan of the company is given here.

Hybrid Vehicles:
The company is planning to introduce 11 models of hybrid vehicles by the end of 2012. These include all the new models and redesigned models. Among the new models, one is compact with fuel efficiency in excess of 40km/L under the 10-15 Japanese test cycle.

Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles:
Toyota Motor Corporation planned to begin the sales of a “Prius” based plug-in hybrid vehicles in Japan, Europe and the United States. More than 50,000 units are targeted for sales annually. The price of the vehicles in Japan is expected in the range of 3 million Yen.

Electric Vehicles:
The company plans to introduce an IQ based electric vehicle by 2012 in the U.S. market, Japan and Europe. In 2011 the launch preparations will be called for road trials in Europe, Japan and the U.S. In China also the launch and road trials are planned for 2011.

Fuel Cell Vehicles:
TMC is planning to develop a sedan-type fuel cell hybrid vehicle (FCHV). The sales are aimed at around 2015 in Japan, Europe and the United States. The hydrogen supply infrastructure is to be developed in the markets. The price currently is expected to be 10 million Yen. However, the company plans to reduce the cost and bring the vehicles at more affordable prices.

Along with these launches, the company is continuing its research on next-generation battery technology. This would lead to an extended performance than that of lithium-ion batteries. This may also increase the range of upcoming electric-drive models.