What is the Classification of Computer Programming Languages
Computer programming language is the artificial language which is used to pass the information to computer. Programming languages used to design a proper program which one controls the system.
Present days many programming languages available along with its unique features. Programming languages are classified as a ‘lower level languages’ and ‘high level languages’.
Low level languages: Low level languages also called as primitive languages because its used for the primitive operations. Here programs write with lower level language, examples are machine language and assembly language.
Machine language: This is a complex language to memorize because the information what we entered gets converted in to binary form. Complete information is converted into 0 or 1s form. This is not a simple process. The computer work with bite and bytes form. It understands the information with 0 or 1 digits. Now a days no one uses machine language because of its difficulty.
Assembly language: Assembly language is the one step more forward language, the machine language, in assembly language using alpha-bates and numerical symbol at the binary place. The language requires the translator called assembler, who transferred the non-machine language to machine language. Assembly language is easy to translate into machine language, this language is very beneficial in error detecting in programs.
High level language: High level languages are procedure oriented languages, machine independent. High level languages use limited vocabulary of English and mathematical symbol usage. High level languages are worked out in all the computers. The third generation languages comes under these high level languages. For instance BASIC, COBAL, PASCAL, COBOL, FORTRAN, etc. The high level languages never execute directly.