
Jumbo Glow Sticks and Their Uses

Glow sticks are the elegant novel items intended for entertainment and fun, particularly in celebrations in dark. Normal glow sticks are about six inches long and serve well for recreation. However, there are many other sizes of glow sticks including the mini glow sticks which are 1.5 inches long and jumbo glow sticks which are 12 inches and 15 inches long and even wider than the normal glow sticks. Let’s now here know about the jumbo glow sticks and their uses.

Jumbo glow sticks are bigger and brighter glow sticks. It is considered that the size of the glow sticks affect the brightness of the illumination from the glow stick. A larger size glow stick with more amount of high quality chemicals glow for a longer time. They glow brighter for about six hours and are visible for about 12 hours. They are also available in different colors including pink, blue, red, green, orange and yellow. Jumbo glow sticks are great items for parties, dances, teen football or basketball games. Larger glow sticks held in hands at concerts and rave parties bring more enjoyment. Larger glow sticks serve well even for decorations in various night events.

Specific jumbo glow sticks are used by traffic police to control vehicle flow. Glow sticks of red and green colors are intended for vehicular traffic control. Bright-colored jumbo glow sticks suit well for emergency situations. They are the best safety kits in case of emergencies at various locations. Hence, they are even considered for use by fire and police departments. They are also used to aid military operations in dark. Ensure getting wholesale jumbo glow sticks for arranging party at your home. However, they also assure safety in case of blackouts or any other emergency situations at your home.